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OpenRSC-5.4.0 (2020-06-24)

Posted: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:50 pm
by Marwolf
Bug Fixes

- Authentic cooking now has 1 less tick to cook items.
- When talking to NPCs, they will now only face you if they want to talk to you.
- Staff commands now work from the online list.
- Fix a bug where an exception occurred on the server when discord auction updates were disabled.
- Fix issues with shop quantities when buying and selling items.
- Ensure staff see proper locations when using ::onlinelist.
- Ensure the player is teleported properly when caught by guards during the Tourist Trap quest.
- Trufitus no longer says "Well, just let me see the item and I'll help as much as I can." twice.
- Find ceril properly after being teleported upstairs during the Hazeel Cult quest.
- Ensure when we try to find an npc, if they are busy, we don't crash.
- As per authentic play, when fatigued a pickaxe now shows above the players head.
- Add two pieces of food to the "never burn" list.
- Ensure that after Scorpion Catcher the Seer does not say "Many greetings" to the player.
- Attempt to fix a thread deadlock in combat.


- Core delay function now uses tick timing instead of milliseconds to calculate thread pause.
- Core mes function no longer calls delay.
- Ensure game events are run prior to updating packets to send to the client.
- Ground item locations and npc locations are now stored in JSON on the server, instead of within the database.
- Use UUID object for the player's unique ID instead of a string.
- Ensure when auction house is disabled it is impossible to send auction house commands to the server.

Known Bugs

- We are working on a fix for a bug found when using 3rd party tools to interact at inhuman speeds with the auction house.